Welcome to the hub for driver safety in Texas. The Insurance Council of Texas and AAA are dedicated to keeping you informed as you navigate roadways throughout the Lone Star State.
Our blog covers essential tips and stats to help all Texans #SurviveTheDrive, and the Resources section is packed with helpful guides for understanding statewide traffic laws.
Whether you're a new driver or a seasoned pro, your journey toward a safer drive starts here.
Back to School
In the last decade, more than a quarter of child pedestrian injuries and fatalities in the United States have occurred between 3-7 p.m. School’s Open—Drive Carefully is an annual AAA campaign designed to raise awareness and help reduce child and pedestrian fatalities, with a focus on safety before and after school hours.
Sharing the Road with Motorcycles
Many drivers do not know how to safely mix in traffic with motorcycles, bicycles, buses, large trucks, or pedestrians – all of whom have rights and responsibilities on the road. Avoid crashes and injuries by following the laws and common-sense safety rules for sharing the roadway, which is considered an extension of your workplace.
Drunk Driving
The surest way to stop impaired driving is by preventing people who are under the influence from ever getting behind the wheel. The number of motor vehicle crash traumas decreased by 38.9% thanks to rideshares, confirming what MADD has believed for years - that rideshare apps offer a convenient transportation option that helps reduce the risk of drunk driving crashes.
Bad Weather
Driving in Bad Weather
A reported motor vehicle crash occurs on Texas roads about every 56 seconds. More than 10%, nearly 60,000 crashes, are due to poor weather conditions. Rain, wind, snow, ice, sleet, fog, and more extreme weather conditions, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, and electrical storms, increase the risks. Read TDI's Driving in Bad Weather fact sheet here.