2024 ICT Education Foundation Impact Report
The 2024 ICT Education Foundation Impact Report highlights this year’s accomplishments and ongoing efforts to support the next generation of insurance professionals. It showcases the Foundation’s commitment to expanding scholarship opportunities, strengthening industry partnerships, and investing in the future of the insurance workforce.
2023-2024 Texas Workers' Compensation Market Report
The 2023-2024 Texas Workers' Compensation Market Report shows continued market success, supported by a balanced regulatory framework, strong healthcare network, positive outcomes for injured employees, and competitive rates. Texas ranks as the 4th largest workers' comp market in the U.S., remains stable with annual growth, is the only consistently profitable line in Texas, and leads the property and casualty sector nationwide.

2024 P&C Market Report
The 2024 ICT State of the Texas Property & Casualty Insurance Market report highlights ongoing opportunities and risks in the growing Texas economy and population. Offering insights into industry trends and market conditions including:
- Texas has 1,162 groups and 3,086 companies writing insurance.
- Direct written premiums nearing $75 billion, led by personal auto at $31 billion.
- Premium taxes now exceed $4 billion, the fifth largest source of tax revenue in Texas.
- A 21% increase in losses to over $45 billion in 2023 due to severe weather, inflation, and higher reinsurance costs.
- Despite these challenges, Texas's insurance market remains resilient.
ICT 2023/2024 Annual Report
2023 and 2024 marked significant change for ICT. In May, the ICT Board of Directors unanimously approved legislative advocacy as a new core function of ICT services. In addition, we addressed a variety of industry challenges, including the continued impacts of inflation on the industry and the rise in insurance rates. We worked with key stakeholders and other trade associations on several legal matters and managed various issues in front of TDI including, market conditions and rulemaking matters and tracked nearly 500 bills during the 88th Legislative Session.
2023 State of the Property and Casualty Market in Texas
This report offers a comprehensive summary of the Texas property and casualty insurance market for the year 2022. It addresses critical factors affecting the industry, including market dynamics, premium statistics, market share distribution, and industry-wide losses. Our aim is to provide valuable insights to both our members and the public.
Texas Insurance Industry Impact Report
This second edition of the Texas Insurance Industry Impact Report, “Doing Our Part: How Insurance Impacts Texas and Texans” provides an overview of the insurance industry covering property and casualty, catastrophe, health, life, disability insurance and more. Additionally, the publication offers information such as the industry’s response to the state’s severe weather issues and philanthropic support.
2023 ICT Education Foundation Impact Report
ICT 2022/2023 Annual Report
Throughout 2022/2023, we ICT managed a wide array of issues, including growing concerns about higher homeowners and auto insurance rates and the pressures inflation has put on the industry. In addition, we monitored several regulatory issues and tracked over 500 bills during the 88th Texas Legislative Session. At ICT, we take pride in being the voice of the property & casualty industry in Texas.
2022-2023 Texas Workers' Compensation Market Report
The Texas Workers’ Compensation Market Report is a comprehensive overview of the Texas workers’ compensation system and includes information that matters most to our members. This includes a market overview, networks at a glance, enforcement and compliance issues, regulatory changes and updates as well as which bills passed during the 88th Texas Legislature that may have an impact on the workers' comp system.
2022 ICT Education Foundation Impact Report
ICT 2021/2022 Annual Report
In 2021/2022, we managed issues ranging from increased homeowners and auto rates concerns, litigation issues and challenges related to inflation and the ongoing pandemic. ICT is proud to serve this industry and serving as the voice of the Texas property and casualty industry.