Member Benefits
The Insurance Council of Texas is a non-profit trade association that serves and promotes the property and casualty insurance industry. With more than 400 member insurance companies writing business in Texas, representing 84% of the Texas property and casualty market, and over 30 associate members, ICT is the largest state-based insurance trade association in the United States.
- Monitoring and reporting on the Texas Legislature
- Advocacy and lobbying at the Texas Legislature to promote fair and effective insurance policies.
- Representation before TDI and other agencies
- News, information, and analysis of regulatory efforts
- Exclusive, members-only website content
- Industry representation to the Texas & national media
- Member education events and opportunities
- Standing committees provide members a voice
- Industry news updates daily, weekly and monthly
- Investment in the next generation of insurance professionals through the ICT Education Foundation

As members of ICT, insurers can collectively represent their interests in the regulatory process, promote the interests of the Texas property and casualty industry, and stay abreast of events and trends affecting the business of insurance in Texas. Membership provides each company the opportunity to play an active role in determining Texas’ insurance regulatory policies. ICT, as a state-based trade association, is able to provide comprehensive coverage and focus attention on the events and policies in Texas that shape our members' business experiences here in Texas.
ICT advocates and educates on behalf of its members in public hearings and in meetings with the staff of the Texas Department of Insurance and the Division of Workers’ Compensation. ICT attends all TDI hearings and, when appropriate, provides testimony or written comments on behalf of its members. We develop our comments and testimony through input from our committee system and review by legal counsel.
Additionally, ICT serves as a trusted and active voice at the Texas Legislature, lobbying on behalf of its members to promote fair, balanced, and effective insurance policies. Our team works closely with lawmakers and their staff to ensure that legislation considers the needs of the insurance industry while protecting consumers. Through regular communication, detailed analysis, and strategic advocacy, ICT ensures that the perspectives of our members are represented during the legislative process.

ICT has an active standing committee system which provides an organized forum for member company representatives to discuss and offer recommendations on issues relating to personal and commercial lines, including workers’ compensation, developments in laws regulating claims handling and claims practices, the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA), and media and communications.

ICT keeps members informed on regulatory and legislative changes through routine updates on key legal court decisions, regular updates on all property and casualty related legislation being considered and ultimately passed during the legislative session, and bulletins and other communications relating to TDI actions or critical issues being considered by the agency.
Monitoring The Texas Legislature:
ICT tracks over 400 property and casualty insurance bills each legislative session and provides members summaries of all bills, an index of all bills, and a list of significant P&C bills.
Regulatory Engagement & Representation:
ICT reviews all proposed rules and issues through our various committees, and provide written comments, and often testify, at TDI and Division of Workers’ Compensation hearings on rule making and other matters.

As a service to its members, ICT offers guidance and responses to various legal issues as they arise.
ICT, in conjunction with APCIA, filed two amicus briefs in support of State Farm's Petition for Mandamus of the Dallas trial court's decision where the court refused to abate the insured’s lawsuit, brought under Insurance Code Chapter 541 (deceptive trade practices), until a determination of liability was determined for underinsured motorist (UIM) benefits. No. 19-0791 and No. 19-0792.
Texas Supreme Court Decisions of Interest- Interplay of Appraisal and Prompt Pay Laws
ICT Amicus Brief supporting rehearing in Barbara Technologies v State Farm Lloyds
Amicus letter on Barbara Technologies Corp. v. State Farm Lloyds
Amicus Curiae on Ortiz v. State Farm Lloyds
ICT filed an amicus brief in USAA Tex. Lloyds v. Menchaca, a closely-watched industry case involving bad faith laws.
The Texas Supreme Court issued its opinion in Texas Mutual Insurance Co., et al v. PHI Air Medical, LLC, a case involving a critical issue of interest to Texas workers’ compensation insurers. ICT’s workers’ compensation counsel, Burns, Anderson, Jury, and Brenner, LLP, prepared this summary of the opinion.

ICT provides an opportunity for members to gather and learn the latest developments in insurance and technology impacting their business through our conferences, and annual insurance symposium. Members also have an excellent opportunity to network with peers while learning from some of the leading insurance experts from Texas and across the nation. Through webinars, our members stay up to date on the current trends and emerging issues throughout the year.

ICT’s experienced and well-respected public relations staff represents the industry in responding to media inquiries on insurance issues. Over the years, our media relations expert has been active in communicating and educating the media on insurance rates, weather related losses, claims handling after a disaster, fraud prevention, and coastal storm preparedness.

ICT works with public officials and consumers to implement statewide programs designed to save lives, reduce property damage, and losses. This includes the We're Out to Alarm Texas program, giving free smoke alarms to Texans in several communities in cooperation with local fire departments and the state fire marshal; helping to deter and prevent auto theft by providing "Hide, Lock, and Take" signs to Texas cities; and helping to establish the Texas Committee on Insurance Fraud in conjunction with member fraud investigators, fraud prosecutors, and the Texas Department of Insurance’s fraud unit.

ICT recognizes the importance of giving back to the community and helping our industry to prepare for the future. We created the ICT Education Foundation to promote insurance education for Texas university students and through the generous donations of our members and individual insurance professionals, we have been able to fund $1.4 million in scholarships and academic awards for students studying insurance and risk management at 9 Texas universities.