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 Legislative Advocacy


Days left in the 89th Legislative Session


ICT advocates on behalf of our members’ collective interests before the Texas legislature, advocating for public policy decisions that support a stable and competitive property and casualty insurance market. Our goal is to educate policymakers on key industry issues and ensure informed decision-making. We have a staff of experienced insurance professionals with various legislative, regulatory, and legal experience to help navigate the discussions on proposals or solutions that best protect the Texas market.

Upcoming Hearings and Committee Meetings

Week of


Senate Business and Commerce Committee
March 4 at 8 am
Location: E1.012 (Hearing Room)


House Insurance Committee

March 5 at 8 am
Location: E2.026 


House Trade, Workforce, and Economic Development
March 5 at 8 am
Location: E2.014


89th Legislative Session

ICT champions initiatives that encourage and support a competitive and stable property and casualty market. To promote this overarching view, ICT has identified the following priorities for the 89th Texas Legislature.

ICT’s priorities for the 89th legislative session

  • Maintain market stability and prevent disruptions to rate and form laws.

  • Reduce litigation abuse.

  • Strengthen the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association’s (TWIA) funding structure to reduce reliance on debt.
    • Explore alternative funding sources (such as state investment).
    • Opposing added costs or shifting expenses to member insurers.

  • Support mitigation and resilience strategies.

  • Prevent abuses in the contractual appraisal process for personal lines.

  • Oppose mandated parts and processes in personal auto that raise the cost to repair and increase pressure on rates..

  • Protect consumers from fraud and abuse in auto and home repairs after they have suffered a covered loss.

  • Find workable solutions for AI and insurance regulation that protect consumers but avoid duplicative regulation and market disruption.

Legislative Updates

For updates on how ICT is serving members during the legislative session, log into the ICT Member InfoHub.

Key Legislative Dates

January 14: The 89th Legislative Session begins

March 14: Bill filing deadline

May 12: Last day House committees can report HBs

June 2: Sine Die - Last day of 89th Regular Session

For more information on the 89th Session dates of interest, click here.

ICT's Political Action Committee - Insuring Texas PAC


The Insuring Texas PAC (PAC) is the political action committee of the Insurance Council of Texas. Our mission is to advance the interests of Texas property and casualty insurers while maintaining a strong Texas insurance marketplace. Here, you can learn more about our efforts and how you can support them. 

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